Saturday, September 22, 2012

Cleaned the apartment for the first time since I moved in.  It feels quite nice to live like a human being. Coffee's on the stove and I'm about to settle in for a bit with Randi's copy of Guns, Germs and Steel, which it actually assigned reading for my Molecular Anthro Class.  Yet another reminder that I belong here.  ;)

After that, I'm heading to a great little mystical shop to see about spending part of the generous gift certificate Mark and Claire gave me when I moved, then to drop off some books to the Salvation Army.  I've decided to give books away as soon as I finish reading them, so that maybe someday I won't be moving around the country with two suitcases of clothes and a cabin stacked with books.  I hear you can get a lot of info off the interwebs nowadays anyway.

Happy Saturday, lovely readers (Allegedly, there are TWO of you now!!).  Enjoy your weekend.  It's a new season- let's make it awesome.


  1. As one of the TWO (yay!), I'm quite impressed by you, you cleaning machine, you! I refuse (and have no time) to clean. I also plan to haul my library about if need be. Alternatively, I will continue with my original idea, which is as follows: when I die my home will be turned into the International Roia Memorial Library and Bathroomatorium!

    Glad to hear you're enjoying school! Isn't it the best when you love what you're learning? Read on!

  2. Hey girl! I like that idea. I feel like today's society is sorely lacking in bathroomatoriums (bathroomatoria?).

    And yes, it IS awesome. :)

    How's life by you?
