Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Well, it's been a sort of off-kilter few weeks- tons of snow and messed up travel plans, birthday goings-on and deadlines passing by unnoticed.  Plus I've been trying to kick a head cold for the past few days, which means I haven't had a good night's sleep in a while (Quick aside: those little plastic things you put on your nose to help you breathe at night are awful.  They don't do a whole lot and when you have to pull them off it feels like you're removing half the skin from your nose at the same time.)  I've got a few posts in the works (thoughts on getting older, thoughts on anxiety...coincidence?)  but nothing quite post-worthy yet.  And I'm still taking requests for content while I am defining this space, so if you've got a burning "Why do our bodies do that?" "What's the deal with __________" question, leave it in the comments and I will find out for you.

(For now, I must leave you all so I can make some tea and google "how do I make snot stop pouring out of my face?".)

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